This data layer keeps the potential areas for wind park development that are needed to analyze the landowners. Since our platform is connected to the state registry (Teatmik), it is easy to request the relevant registry's data with just one click of a button.
Our database is now consists of 750,771 the most up-to-date cadastres. Not less, not more.
The past Friday, our Product Manager Ilya Bolkhovskiy gave a presentation at the CleanTech panel organized by Enterprise Estonia (EAS).
The presentation called "The Second Golden Age of Geography" was heavily inspired by a geospatial veteran Joe Morrison and his blog post.
The key part of it was a case study about finding the best wind park areas in Põhja-Pärnumaa.
On the 4th of December, we had a kick-off workshop where all our friends and advisers came together. It started fun but unfortunately was partly ruined by the technical issues with sound. Still, there was some time to present the results of the Expert Interviews and discuss further development plans and MVP.
The past week, we had a joint call with our Norwegian partner Robert Olsen from Vardar and Eric Rambech from a climate and energy consultancy company Endrava. Eric and hist colleagues have developed an amazing web tool captureMap (definitely worth checking).
Together with Robert and Eric, we are discussing the scope of our common MVP. We plan to interview the representatives of Norway's municipalities to figure out their most frequent needs.